Invitación Seminario en Línea EITI Consciente: Acceso a Información Socioambiental, 14 de junio

Invitación Seminario en Línea EITI Consciente: Acceso a Información Socioambiental, 14 de junio 1024 582 RLIE


The disclosure of socio-environmental information regarding oil, gas and mining activities is key to inform the public debate and decision-making on sectoral policies. The demand for such disclosures is increasingly strong in different regions of the world, especially in Latin America and Asia-Pacific. Several countries of these regions are involved in the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) and many civil society groups are advocating for the inclusion of a specific commitment related to socio-environmental information in the EITI standard. The Open Government Partnership (OGP) also offers an opportunity for governments and civil society to mitigate negative impacts associated with the establishment and operation of oil, gas, and mining projects by making commitments on the proactive disclosure of social and environmental information related to the extractive industry.

The webinar is aimed at stakeholders, including representatives from government, civil society, and the private sector, who work on, or are interested in transparency around socio-environmental information related to the oil, gas and mining sector. It will include a discussion on current trends, opportunities, and challenges regarding socio-environmental transparency and whether/how EITI can be a tool to disclose such information. The presentations will be followed by an interactive Q&A session with audience members.

When: Wednesday, June 14, 2017 11 AM – 12 PM Eastern Standard Time

Register for this webinar: HERE


Aroa de la Fuente: Moderator – Researcher of Fundar Center for Analysis and Research; Coordinator of Latin American Network on Extractive Industries (RLIE)

Elisa Peter: Executive Director, Publish What You Pay

Ana Carolina González: Civil Society Representative to the EITI International Board, Latin America

Cielo Magno: Bantay Kita Philippines and Civil Society Representative to the EITI International Board


11:00 – 11:05 Welcome and Introduction

11:05 – 11:15 The disclosure of social-environmental information through EITI: a global perspective – Elisa Peter

11:15 – 11:30 The Latin American experience using EITI as a tool to disclose social and environmental information – Ana Carolina González

11:30 – 11:45 The Philippines experience using EITI as a tool to disclose social and environmental information – Cielo Magno

11:45 – 11:55 Questions and Answers

11:55 – 12:00 Closing Remarks

Join us Via:


Meeting Number: 852 539 444

Meeting Passcode: EmTFtQi4


Number: 1-650-479-3207 (US/Canada) Global call-in numbers

Access code: 852 539 444

This webinar is hosted by the OGP Openness in Natural Resources Working Group. Please contact Suzhe Jia at the World Bank with any questions.